Trust Your Journey


GOD, I have decided not to give up on myself. We don’t have to get into much details. You have all the data, let’s not hang all the dirty laundry here.

Why announce it to the world? Because we need sometimes, if not all the time, not to give up on ourselves. Most of the time we forget that, and we don’t have someone to remind us, but GOD.

GOD shows up in our lives in different shapes and forms. One of them is a post from a crazy friend on Facebook.

People think that heart is where we only find love, but let me tell you something. I looked there for love, and I found GOD. They say: “you go looking for something, and you find something else.” Don’t give up on yourself.

How? Well that’s not really your job. Remember, you are not really the GM of the universe, and if you think you are, quit right now. Your job is to take the decision not to give up, and to let go. GOD will take care of the rest.

Just look up for the signs around you in the universe. Look for them in a book, in a movie, in a song, in a quiet voice deep inside your heart.

Follow the trail of signs, and listen to your heart, where you will find the things that matter, where you will find GOD. 



The Creative Process